Limited Edition Sales Fund Our Pro Bono Work

African penguins by © Dan Callister/Penguins & Sharks

‘One Last Goodbye’ © Dan Callister/Penguins & Sharks

Unfortunately we had a negative experience with an individual who attended a fine art fair that we were exhibiting at recently. The person was rude and sadly irate that we couldn't offer a bigger discount on a small works despite gently explaining to him what we do and who we donate to. We wish this was the first time but unfortunately there are some wealthy people out there who fail to understand what it takes or just don’t care.

Sadly, many organizations no longer have the budget to commission or support wildlife journalism. Putting together these kind of pro bono projects such as Plight of the African Penguin, securing permits, flights, accommodation, equipment and the time it takes to get these kind of images is astronomical. We don’t receive sponsorship and are now solely reliant on print sales to finance this kind of conservation work.  We also donate a portion of any limited edition sales to The Southern African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds (SANCCOB) So to all those who have purchased a fine art print, thank you for the support!


‘A New Day’


‘Heavy Seas’