‘Heavy Seas’

African penguin by © Dan Callister/Penguins & Sharks

‘Heavy Seas’ by © Dan Callister/Penguins & Sharks

The African penguin is one of our favorite species, I know we aren’t supposed to have favorites but we have a massive soft spot for probably one of the most charismatic of all seabirds. They are inquisitive, cheeky and incredibly resilient despite the many threats they face. ‘Heavy Seas’ was taken at first light on a particular stormy day, the wind was howling, salt spray kept covering the lens but this one penguin, stood into the wind, lost in thought. It stood there for sometime before others joined and they then set off into the turbulent waters of False Bay.

Penguin wildlife art for your home by Penguins & Sharks

‘Heavy Seas’ finished in a custom white float frame © Dan Callister/Penguins & Sharks


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