World Seabird Day

‘Happy Feet’ © Dan Callister/Penguins & Sharks

In celebration of World Seabird Day. Nothing better than a happy penguin!
The Southern African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds (SANCCOB) are dedicated to reversing the decline of seabird populations through the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of ill, injured, abandoned, and oiled seabirds, especially endangered species like the African penguin. Climate change, pollution and over-fishing are taking a terrible toll on seabird populations around the globe. We are quite literally running out of time to save many species that are needed to maintain a healthy eco-system for our own survival. Indicator species like the endangered African penguin have been exhibiting warning signs for more than thirty years, it is time we all stand up and take notice and hold our elected officials to account. The kids deserve better. #savetheafricanpenguin


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